T H E R I C E M A S T E R S S I N C E 1 9 4 6

Riso Grazia
O u r r i c e c o m e s f r o m a p a s s i o n f o r t h e t e r r i t o r y
Vast, green fields. The Euganei Hills in the distance. Farmhouses, courtyards, and rice fields. We are in the so-called “Basso Veronese”, and it’s here that, back in 1946, rice-making company Grazia was born.

This is a brand that stands out for its authenticity and honesty, and for its traditional methods that respect the timings and places of rice—a simple, yet precious, ingredient.
riso grazia
K i n d M a n u f a c t u r i n g
Why should you choose Riso Grazia?
Because our company offers excellent products, as well as a range of unique and innovative manufacturing methods that are constantly aimed to achieve the best quality of the end product – all with the utmost respect for our environment and our people. To guarantee exceptionally high-quality rice, we have developed a ground-breaking production system, which we call “Lavorazione Gentile”, or “Kind Manufacturing”.
O u r r i c e

riso grazia
Vialone nano
IDEAL FOR ALL TYPES of risotto and claSsic dishes
Appreciated for its exceptional holding and performance characteristics during cooking, it easily absorbs the spices and ensures a perfect mantecatura.

riso grazia
Recognised for its exceptional holding and cooking properties, its high amylose content ensures a perfectly husked grain.

riso grazia
Typically cultivated between India and Pakistan, it is the natural aromatic rice for excellence. Long, tapered grains with a rich aroma, suitable for preparing rice salads, oriental dishes and refined side dishes.
r e c i p e s
We have selected some tasty and special recipes for you to make with our rice.